Lesson preparation
Teaching theme : First World War and Revolutions in Russia
Lesson name: Motives and cause for First World War
Type of class: Introduction to new material
Form of work: Frontal
Teaching methods: Explaining, Demonstrating, Working on a text
Teaching material/tools: Computer, History map, Blackboard, Textbook
Correlation: Geography, Serbian language…
Teaching objectives: Students should-
Key terms:
Lesson plan (with time articulation)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Ask pupils about their current knowledge of First World War. Determine do students know who participated in the War and were the results. Ask pupils about any story from their family history. On the blackboard write lesson title.
Main part of lecture (35 minutes)
After introduction tell to students about reasons for biggest conflict in history up to that point. Enumerate the reasons and give explanation for each of them:
1. ambition of some powers to redistribute colonial wealth
2. termination of ‘’the balance of power’’ policy in Europe
3. aligning in military alliances
4. armament race
Examples that can be used: http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5090 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5093 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6213 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6510 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6511
Emphasize Austro-hungarian position towards Kingdom of Serbia and Kingdom of Montenegro. Explain that Serbia and Montenegro went out from Balkan wars as wining side and they started to present obstacle to Austrohungarian desire of expansion on the east. Show historical map of Europe 1914 and explain. Other problem was that Serbia and Montenegro were symbols for other Slavic population in AH monarchy- especially to Serbs. Remind pupils of Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 as one of big crisis that could also cause the war, and contributed distrust between states.
After discussing about reasons for war, start explaining about the cause.
Speak with pupils about the assassination in Sarajevo and about ‘’Mlada Bosna’’ organization. Try to comment newspaper articles about assassination in Serbian and AH press from that time. Pay special notice on the place of publishing of those newspapers and the eventual differences in info. . http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6263 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6264 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6633 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4113 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/1691
Every information should be written on the blackboard- Franz Ferdinand, Gavrilo Princip.
Mlada Bosna- http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6373 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6258 ,
http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6372 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4382
Read and comment part from selected text about Gavrilo Princip. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/1255
After this event period known as July crisis started. Explain that this period represents final period before the war when countries across Europe managed their final negotiations in the matter of eventual Austrohungarian military action against Serbia. Read newspaper reports from that period and show pictures. Very important event happened when AH government sent ultimatum to Serbia. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/3630 . Read and comment ultimatum and response with pupils http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/338 page 35 and 44. Ask pupils what part of text was unacceptable for Serbian government and why. Explain that AH was not satisfied with a Serbian response and with telegram declared war to Kingdom of Serbia july 28th 1914.
This event caused one reaction after another which resulted to European and world war.
http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4959 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4961 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4973 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/4975 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6288 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6290 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6291 ,
Write on the blackboard 1914-1918. Paris peace conference and casualties of around 15 000000.
Final part of lesson (5 minutes)
Answer to possible pupils questions about lesson with recommendation to read recommended material part on the Veliki rat website which is connected to assassination and July crisis.
With proper use of material from educative portal, proper use of history map and teachers lecture students :
Educational standards:
Basic level: Student is able name most important events from national, regional and world history, to name reasons and cause for important event of past. Student can recognize based on characteristic sources what events or person is connected to and to read simple and characteristic info from history map.
Medium level: Student is aware that there is connection between National, regional and general world history, knows and understands cause, reasons and consequences of different phenomenon from national and world history. Can make a conclusion of events, phenomenon or person based on content of different written or other sources. Recognizes favoritism in certain interpretation of persons, events or phenomenon.
Advanced level:Student is able to explain specificity of the important history terms and to use them in a proper context. Student knows specific details of general and national history, can outline differences and similarities of interpretation of sources that are describing the same event or person.
Additional literature:
http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/3687 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/1255