Lesson preparation


Teaching theme : everyday life in First World War

Lesson name: Women in First World War

Type of class: Introduction to new material

Form of work: Frontal

Teaching methods: Explaining, Demonstrating, Working on a text, group method

Teaching material/tools: Computer, History map, Blackboard, Textbook

Correlation: Serbian language, English language

Teaching objectives:


Lesson plan (with time articulation)


Introduction (5 minutes)

Discuss with pupils about gender equality in our society. Does rights and responsibilities of women differs from rights and responsibilities of men? Discuss about families and responsibilities of each member, are there typical men’s and women’s duties?

            Main part of lecture (35 minutes)

Pupils should be divided in two groups. First group will read articles from magazine ‘’ Woman’’ which was issued during 1918. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/214 . Second group will read articles and other of modern magazine of their choice dedicated mostly to women.

Choose a pupil who will read main text of magazine from digital library http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/214 .

Other group comment main text from modern magazine.

After that compare and comment both of texts and try to have some conclusion based on examples. Are there similarities or differences? Try to find columns that are similar. For example on the page 112. there is a text about efficient dish washing using ash. Can we find text or commercial about hygiene in modern magazine?

Both groups compare stories about life of public figures today and prominent women one hundred years ago, using mentioned source.

Explain terms emancipation- struggle for freedom and autonomous decision making, political rights, and liberation from any form of dependence. Explain that during WWI there was a need for a greater engagement of women in society and economy, because of mobilization. Women started working in all fields which was earlier perceived as a men’s job.  

 http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5020 ,  http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5016 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5023 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5017 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5019http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5021

Search on the internet are there women associations in our country and what are their goals. Examples Women in business, women officers and such. Present to pupils one association of women from period of WWI. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/1081

Next part of class dedicate to mention prominent women during WWI based on the digitized material. Courageous women who fought in war together with men. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/5094 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6225 . Women who took all responsibilities of family while their husbands were at frontline.    http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/485, http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/515 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/502 .

Nurses and volunteers should be mentioned. http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6449 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/6420 , especially those who volunteered from allied states. Inform pupils about Flora Sandes, who left a diary where she tells about stay and activities in Serbia and during retreat through Albania to Greece.  http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/517 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/74

Explain to pupils that women were often used as symbols. Present propaganda postcards which shows every state of allies as a beautiful woman.  http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/820 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/824  , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/813http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/817 , http://velikirat.nb.rs/items/show/815


Final part of lesson (5 minutes)

Discuss with pupils about women position in society one hundred years ago, their role during war time and impressions about read and seen material. Ask them are there any example from their family history when stories are being told about women’s courage or it was just courage of men. For homework write an article which should be written in a form and content that complies with time of WWI.


With proper use of material from educative portal and teachers lecture students :